In the spirit of the holidays, we wanted to dedicate a blogpost to all of our projects under construction. We are of course thankful for all of our projects whether they’re finished, in design, or just beginning; however, we wanted to give a special shoutout to all of our projects under construction after a long year. While we often share blog posts of construction updates, we thought a compilation of all of our projects under construction would be a fun way to see how much we have to be thankful for. Here’s a look at where they started in the beginning of the year and where they are now!
Gardiner Farmhouse
Gardiner Farmhouse’s interiors have been taking shape this year. Walls and wood floors have been installed and siding is completed. To refresh your memory on this home visit our behind the design post!

BC Retreat
BC Retreat is nearly complete! During this year the pool was constructed, the siding was completed, and interior finishes are wrapping up. We’re also working on the nearby pool house. To learn more about this project visit our behind the design post.

Cluster One
Cluster One’s interiors have been taking shape this year as well as the decks for the exterior. One of the more exciting moments this year was when we got the hot tub delivered to the roof deck above the guest house! Refresh your memory on this home with our behind the design post and recent construction update.

Wass House
Wass House has come a long way since 2021. All of the siding has gone up including the stonework and the pool has been dug and filled. Read more about the project in our behind the design post and catch up on our construction update.

Saugerties Lake House
Saugerties Lake House started during a chilly a January stake out and is now a framed house. Read more about the project in our behind the design post and keep an eye out for a full construction update on this project very soon!

To learn more about Rebus, check out our Behind the Design post and read our construction update from April (although a lot has happened since then!).

8 Oaks
Down in Florida, work on the foundation for 8 Oaks began in April of this year and we just received the steel beams a few weeks ago! Read more on 8 Oaks here.

Duchess Farm Retreat
Duchess Farm Retreat has made a lot of progress this year!

Hunter Hill
For this renovation, adding these large windows have allowed more sunlight to enter the space.

Bexley House
Bexley House’s garage went through demolition this year and is currently being built to our renovated design.

Cold Spring Creek
Cold Spring Creek House is also coming along! We are especially grateful to our clients for letting us hang out at the construction site for Holdt’s Team Day.

Bluestone Road Reno
Bluestone Road Reno is putting on its finishing touches with the pool deck and pool! We can’t wait to share more about this unique renovation project very soon.

Art Fort
Art Fort has recently kicked off on construction and we can’t wait to see how it progresses in the new year! To learn more about this home and artist studio visit our behind the design post.

Fermata is also just beginning construction. We’ve staked out the house and after doing a bit of regrading are making minor adjustments to where the home sits on the site. Read more about Fermata here.

We recently met with our clients and the contractors to stake out the site and begin construction!

South Mountain House
Of course we can’t forget to mention our homes we completed this year! South Mountain House wrapped up construction earlier this year. We’re so thankful to our clients for their patience throughout the process.

Kaat Cliffs
Finally – last, but certainly not least, we have to mention Kaat Cliffs. We completed this home early this year and are still in love with its simple but evocative design and it’s cozy, personal touches.

We hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane as much as we did. It’s great to look back on the year and see how much progress we’ve made on these projects – it’s sometimes hard to keep perspective on how much has happened while we’re in the midst of so much construction. We’re very excited for a number of these homes to be completed next year and are so thankful to our clients for their patience, collaboration and trust throughout the process. Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!