One of our biggest goals on this blog is to share the process of designing a custom home. We aim to demystify what happens behind the scenes in our office and during our client meetings. While we share a lot of information online, we know that sometimes an in-person conversation is the best way to

This series of posts began as a way to share our design process and shed some light on what you can expect when working with Studio MM to design a custom home. Since most of our clients are new the experience of working with an architect and have lots of questions, we’re always looking for

If you’ve been following our Behind the Design series of posts you probably already know that collaboration is a key part of our design process. We start the process for every home by identifying and understanding the needs and desires of the client. As we move through the phases of design we continue to work

When calling to inquire about working with us on a custom home people often ask me what sets Studio MM apart from other residential architecture firms. I’m always excited to answer that question because I love talking about how we work and our design process. Not only do we see each project as a chance

We hope you’ve been enjoying these Behind the Design posts where we share details about how we work through the design process for our projects. In previous posts, we examined some of our custom homes, such as ClusterOne and 8 Oaks, as well as renovation projects like Cold Spring Creek and Wass House. We’re very

While we love sharing Construction Updates and Behind the Design posts for projects that we are currently working on, we also occasionally enjoy looking back at our past work. Recently, we’ve been working on putting together some videos and materials for Tranquil Abiding. We completed this home back in July of 2020 and it was

Over the last few years, we’ve shared a behind-the-scenes look at many of our residential projects through this series of posts. From custom residences like Cat Hill and 8 Oaks to renovation projects like Modern Accord Depot and Hudson River House, our homes are as individual as our clients. Even though we start the process

We hope you’ve been enjoying these Behind the Design posts where we share a behind-the-scenes look at our design process and how we work with clients. We hope that illustrating our process will help you understand more about what it’s like to work with us on a custom home. In past posts, we’ve talked about

We started this Behind the Design series of posts as a way to give some insight into our design process and what you can expect while working with a residential architect to design a new home. Most of our clients have never built a custom home before, so of course, they have lots of questions

Most of our clients have never built a new home before and come to us with lots of questions about the process. We hope these Behind the Design posts will help answer some of those questions and give you a better sense of what that process entails. While we make an effort to give you