I learned long ago that there are 2 ways client meetings can go… Very well: excited client; or very poor: bored, confused or un-interested client. I know we’d all prefer the first – here’s how we make sure we always have excited clients: We educate our clients about the process and keep them involved. Today’s What

This post is the 16th in our ongoing What to Expect from Your Architect series written to provide insight into the process of working with an architect to design and build your home. We are documenting the progress of one of our contemporary residential projects, the Lake Wylie House, so you’ll know what to expect

This is the 15th post in our What To Expect from Your Architect series in which we document the process of Working with an Architect. We are following the progress of our contemporary house project in Lake Wylie, South Carolina and sharing our stories with you here on the blog… Today post gives you a little more information

I think I may have told this story before so I’ll keep this technical part short… When I was in High School and it was time to apply to colleges, I sat down with my mom and we talked about what I should major in. Well, I liked math, and I liked to draw…maybe I

In our office we like to draw a lot of sections for each house we design. For the novice reader, a section is a vertical “slice” through your house presented as a 2-dimensional drawing. The side-by-side images of the Tower House by Gluck+ below should give you a pretty clear idea of what a section

Design + Budget: Part 2 In our previous post in this series What To Expect from Your Architect – Designing within Your Budget – we discussed the architect’s responsibility to work with their client to design within the project budget. “It’s easy to spend a lot of money on a house. It’s more challenging –

It is an architect’s responsibility to understand their client’s budget and to work with that budget to design their home. There are so many costs associated with building a new home or adding onto your existing home. It is our clients’ responsibility to know what amount of money they are comfortable spending on their project.

This is our 11th post in our What To Expect from Your Architect series in which we document the process of Working with an Architect. We are following the progress of our contemporary house project in Lake Wylie, South Carolina and sharing the stories with you here on the blog… During the last meeting with

During the Design Development Phase the architect “develops the floor plans, exterior and interior elevations, and details to further describe the character of the project.” Basically, the DD Phase is when most of the Design Decisions are made. What To Expect from Your Architect: Design Development We are in the middle of the DD Phase

One of the most important components for a successful residential architecture project is the selection of a General Contractor. I’m pretty sure the Schematic Design meeting in which we present our initial designs to our clients is the most highly anticipated, but trying to find the right General Contractor to build your home is surely