Category: Behind the Scenes

What does HOME mean to you? What Do You LOVE About Your Home?

Last year for Valentine’s Day we asked our friends and fans to post images of what home means – What Makes a House a Home? It was such fun seeing the responses (one favorite was a picture of a friend’s son and floor covered in paint!) that we thought we’d ask you all to share

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Process, Projects and Residential Architecture

I have a secret to tell… I actually really enjoy writing these blog posts each week. Ok, there may be some weeks when I have a hard time thinking of something to say that you might enjoy reading, but mostly I love what I do and I love to talk about it. Over the holidays

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Happy Holidays from Studio MM Merry Architecture!

Wishing you all a warm and wonderful holiday season! Cheers!  

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A Day in the Life of a Small Firm Residential Architect

Ever wonder what it’s like to be an architect? or what an architect does? Architect = Problem-solver, Collaborator, Listener, Leader Architects wear many hats…and as a small business owner I get to wear even more: Architect, Entrepreneur, Social Media Marketer, Small Business Strategist….you get the idea! But of course it is the Architect hat that

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Happy Thanksgiving from Studio MM

Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours. Cheers! – Studio MM

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Architectural Storytelling: 5 Tips for How To Tell Your Story Take the Time to Tell Your Story.

Success in architecture is not about designing a house or building a structure. It’s about making a difference in people’s lives. Earlier this year the phone rang in my office, and when I picked it up the woman on the other end of the line started telling me that she found my architecture firm online

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Business Women Experts: 8 Traits that Make You a Badass How To Be an Architect AND a Badass

This week I’m taking a little time to rejuvenate my creative mind (I’m taking a vacation.) You may have noticed if you follow me on Instagram that my feed over the last few days contains far less straight lines and rigid forms… just something about fully immersing yourself in nature that is so refreshing for

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Calatrava and #ArchiTalks - THIS is Exciting! From Dreams to Reality – THIS is Exciting

I love being an architect because I love helping people’s dreams come true. Yes, I know this sounds corny, but as a residential architect this is what I do: listen to my clients talk about their hopes and desires, work with them to create their dream home, and then watch their smiling faces when they

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Guess-A-Sketch: Paula Scher and Tomas Rossant sketching Architecture Games for Good: Guess-A-Sketch!

Architect + Sketching = FUN As pretty much everyone who has ever hung out with an architect will tell you, the conversation doesn’t get very far before the architect has out pen and paper. And when you’re with a group of architects, well then it just gets CRAZY! …. which is EXACTLY what happened on

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What makes a house a home? - The Architect's Notebook - Studio MM What Makes a House a Home?

Happy Valentine’s Day! HOME: It’s not where you LIVE but where you LOVE. What makes a house a HOME are the friends and family that gather there and all the things – the character – that you love about it – the things that make it YOU, the things that make you smile… What I

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